Research Areas: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Strategy, and Sustainability for advancing UN SDGs

Most businesses won’t pay more national insurance. But the UK’s small employers still need support
The Conversation (2024)

Navigating the knowledge breadth–depth paradox in entrepreneurship
Academy of Management Proceedings (2024)

Creating effective university innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems: A commitment system perspective
The Journal of Technology Transfer (2024)

Perception of corruption as a business obstacle, generalized trust and relation centrism in low- and middle-income nations
Review of Managerial Science (2024)

The impact of Islamic religiosity on innovation propensity
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2024)

Putting digital technologies at the forefront of Industry 5.0 for the implementation of a circular economy in manufacturing industries
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2024)

Indian election: why Modi may now need to switch his economic ambitions to new businesses and small firms
The Conversation (2024)

New technology adoption in rural areas of emerging economies: The case of rainwater harvesting systems in India
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2023)

The Weaker Sex?: A tale of means and tails
Journal of Business Venturing Insights (2023)

Barriers to the adoption of new technologies in rural areas: The case of unmanned aerial vehicles for precision agriculture in India
Technology in Society (2023)

The irrationality of rationality in market economics: A paradox of incentives perspective
Business & Society (2023)

My mother-in-law doesn’t Like it: Resources, social norms, and entrepreneurial intentions of women in an emerging economy
Small Business Economics (2023)

From entrepreneurship to leadership
The Journal of Technology Transfer (2023)

How ethnic minority SME owners in the UK can create value amid informal institutional voids
Journal of Creating Value (2023)

Valuing maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health for societal progress – Going beyond the economic orthodoxy of gross domestic product
Acta Paediatrica (2023)

Escaping the Penalty of Marginalization through Management Education
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2023)

Education, social identity and self-employment over time: Evidence from a developing country
Small Business Economics (2022)

Adopting new technology is a distant dream? Risks of Industry 4.0 technology adoption in small and medium-scale enterprises in an emerging economy
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)

Evaluating mentorship-based learning in entrepreneurship education
International Review of Entrepreneurship (Accepted/Forthcoming, 2022)

Religion and Risk Taking: Evidence from Islam
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion (Accepted/Forthcoming, 2022)

Enhanced Green View Index
MethodsX (Accepted/Forthcoming, 2022)

Generalised trust and relation centrism for corruption as perceived by firms
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2022)

Perceived Selective Incivility and Relational Trust for BAME SMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Academy of Management Proceedings (2022)

Corporations want to profit from the world’s problems – here’s how they can solve them instead
The Conversation (2022)

Microentrepreneurship in a developing country: Evidence for public policy
Palgrave Macmillan (2021)

Black and minority ethnic businesses need support to weather the pandemic
The Conversation (2020)

Going green dramatically benefits businesses – it should be central to their coronavirus recovery strategy
The Conversation (2020)

Which green matters for whom? Greening and firm performance across age and size distribution of firms
Small Business Economics (2019)

Born to be green: New insights into the economics and management of green entrepreneurship.
Small Business Economics (2019)

Professor David Audretsch: My doktorvater
In “From Industrial Organisation to Entrepreneurship: A Tribute to David Audretsch”

Indian election: Modi win delivered thanks to faith in economic growth pledges.
The Conversation (2019)

The returns to occupations: The role of minimum wage and gender in Nigeria.
World Development Perspectives (2019)

Ecotricity: An optimal investment decision for electric highway expansion
IVEY Case Study (2018)

The spatial distribution of self-employment in India: Evidence from semiparametric geoadditive models
Regional Studies (2015)

Religion, social class and entrepreneurial choice
Journal of Business Venturing (2013)

Firm growth and barriers to growth among small firms in India
Small Business Economics (2012)

Entrepreneurship and welfare
Small Business Economics (2010)

What determines self-employment choice in India?
In “Sustaining Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: Lessons in Policy and Industry Innovations from Germany and India”

Comparing entrepreneurial climates of Germany and India: More similarities than differences?
In “Sustaining Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: Lessons in Policy and Industry Innovations from Germany and India”

Sustaining entrepreneurship and economic growth
Lessons in Policy and Industry Innovations from Germany and India